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Connection Jam



A weekly community offering that began Spring 2024. T+ D professor Ana Maria Alvarez and a roster of amazing artists from on and off campus lead a weekly gathering space for connection, radical joy and community! In connection jam participants are led through a collective practice of our ancestral technologies movement and play. No experience necessary, this is an open and non judgemental space. Come ready to move, sweat, laugh and practice joy as if it were a muscle. You will leave feeling more grounded, connected and joyful! 


January 15: The Loft - with Ana María Álvarez (Afro-Latine ancestral technologies) 

January 22: Wagner Dance Building - with Youssouf Koumbassa (West African) 

January 29: The Loft - with Ana María Álvarez (Rueda de Casino) 

February 5: The Loft - with Bernard Brown (Dunham Get Down)

February 12: The Loft - with Kara Mack (Africa in America) 

February 19: Epstein Family Amphitheater  - All Area Dance Sharing  4-6pm 

                       followed by dr. grace shinhae jun & Dyno Corrales led Connection Jam (hip hop) 

February 26: The Loft - with Daunté Fyall (Stepping) 

March 5: Wagner Dance Building - with Melissa Tannús (Tap) 


Check on IG @connection_jam for updated schedule/details/location

Co-sponsored by Black Studies Project and Art Power

Free - All Welcome

