- jmchapa@ucsd.edu
- (858) 822-2185
- 858-378-0746
9500 Gilman Dr
Mail Code: 0344
La Jolla , California 92093
Facilities Manager
Jesus Chapa Oporto is the Facilities Manager for the department of Theatre & Dance at UC San Diego. He is originally from Fresno California but considers San Diego his second home. Jesus was active in choir and theatre programs in high school, he has a passion for music and musical theater.
He graduated from UC San Diego with a degree in Physics in 2018 and has worked for the university since graduating. Jesus started as a temporary employee for the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute (ACTRI) and Business and Financial Services (BFS) for six months respectively and was offered a job from both departments within a year of temporary employment. Jesus worked for Business and Financial services for three years until he transferred to UC San Diego Health where he worked for two years before joining the Theatre & Dance team.
In his free time, you can find Jesus playing the latest video games, streaming the newest shows, and finding the trendiest new spot to eat in San Diego with his wife Rachel and rescue dog Bear.
UC San Diego
Galbraith Hall 222
Phone: (858) 822-2185
Text Message/ Facility Emergencies: 858-378-0746