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fall dance



an original dance work directed and choreographed by Patricia "Patty" Huerta

featuring undergraduate performers


Performance Dates

December 2, 3 and 4 @7:30pm



Sheila and Hughes Potiker Theatre





Please contact our virtual box office at if you need help with a promo code.

Please note: for Fall performances, only active UCSD community members (students, faculty, staff) may purchase tickets.


Stay tuned for a digital program

  Click image to view a full digital program!


Natalia Balderas
Celia “Cece” Carton
Sophia Casas 
Lucy Kudlinski 
Bridget Orji 
Maya Ordonez 
Naomi Rivas 
Charul Sharma 
Gabriel “Gage” Stixrude-Bertelloni
Danniel Ureña


The Creative Team

Director: Patricia "Patty" Huerta
Scenic Designer: Nicholas Ponting MFA '21
Costume Designer: Elise Wesley
Lighting  Designer: Harrison Foster
Sound Designer: Stewart Blackwood
Assistant Lighting Designer: Elba Emicente
Assistant Lighting Designer: Ericka Rivas-Navarro
Assistant Sound Designer: Ethan Eldred
Production Stage Manager: Jared Halsell
Assistant Stage Manager: Sophia Donner
Production Assistant: Jason Tran



About the Performance

51Barrio invites the audience to experience the essence of unión (unity) through the eyes of  Barrio Logan’s Chicano Park. This performance highlights the strength of Mexican American cultura (culture), its history, and visibilizes la lucha (fight back) to keep land in their hands.  51Barrio honors Victor Ochoa -OG muralist- one of many prominent community visionaries  manifesting the vibrance, both physical and emotional, of Chicano Park. Ever-changing, the  park is home to many, now including 51Barrio, who continue to nurture its roots and history.



About the Director

Patricia “Patty” Huerta from Los Angeles, California is an artist, choreographer, and educator bringing forth First Generational Latinx experiences and social dance through dance making. She received her B.A and M.F.A in Dance and Experimental Choreography from the University of California, Riverside, where she earned The Gluck Fellowship of the Arts, M.F.A. Graduate Fellowship, and UC MEXUS Grant. She has collaborated and presented work at RedCat CalArts Theater, The FORD, Grand Park Los Angeles, Oxy Arts, FLACC Festival, Mission Dance Theater, BAM Museum, Highways Performance Space, Human Resources L.A, BlakTinax Dance Festival in Arizona and L.A, and México City. Patty is a founding member of Primera Generación Dance Collective (@primerageneraciondance), and a board member of Show Box L.A (@showboxla) in Los Angeles.