9500 Gilman Dr
Mail Code: 0344
La Jolla , California 92093
Emeritus Faculty
BA, University of the Pacific
MFA, University of California, Los Angeles
RON RANSON was Awarded Academic Senate "Distinguished Teacher, 2000" and Warren College's "Outstanding Teacher, 2001." His ongoing design work includes guest residences at Utah State University, University of Northern Colorado, eight seasons as Principal/Resident Scenic Designer at the Tony Award winning Utah Shakespearean Festival and designs for the San Diego Repertory Theatre since 1981. His company, Theatre Arts Video Library (established 1988), produces instructional video programs related to theatre training for schools and theatres in the USA and abroad. His newest creative DVD is titled "A Snowglobe Christmas" and features 30 Austrian snowglobes snowing on television and edited to 25 jolly pieces of holiday music. The production received two "Telly Awards" for excellence in DVD entertainment and lighting. He has been a board member of the San Diego Asian-American Repertory Theatre and served for four years as an arts commissioner for the City of Encinitas. Ron and his wife, Nicola, enjoy hosting incoming international students to UCSD each fall. In the days of black and white television Ron served as a Peace Corps English teacher in the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal. He now travels the world in search of the ultimate chicken curry.
Learn more about Theatre Arts Video Library
Learn more about A Snowglobe Christmas